Finding the love of my life – it really doesn’t just happen in the movies

Its a long one which starts with having a very bad hangover, meaning to be in North London, not South, fast train v slow train, delayed trains and having to pee!

The ‘aha’ moment came when we decided to get our friend to meet us where we were rather than travelling miles across London, and therefore this would mean I could go home early and go to bed!

More things happened, including being dressed for a Saturday in Mayfair rather than a Saturday in Putters and bobs your uncle, a grate in the road and high heels, charming boys who offer to lay down their friends jacket, and who will happily follow (stalk) you into a bar, and all ending in a terrible nightclub.

Fast forward two years later we’re happily cohabiting and I thank the train company for being so rubbish on a regular basis, that and my girlfriend who (un)happily spoke to the mate for 4 hours while we spoke about everything and nothing.

It really is true, I honestly believed this could only happen in the movies. The year I was having was the very worst and the very best and being open to new experience and going with the opportunities that arose was the best thing I have ever done.

Submitted by Shelly

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